Take This Bandwidth Needs Quiz to Estimate How Much Internet Speed You Need at Home
Bandwidth Needs Quiz
After all, you don’t want an Internet speed that’s too slow to accommodate your online activities. On the other hand, you don’t want to be paying for much more bandwidth than what you actually need. So, you’ve got to look for that sweet spot, that Internet speed that is just right.1. How many people in your household use the Internet?
a. 1-2
b. 3-4
c. 4+
2. How many devices connect to the Internet in your household? (smartphones, tablets, computers, smart home devices, etc.)
a. 1-3
b. 4-6
c. 7+
3. How often does your household stream content (e.g., shows, movies, music)
a. Rarely
b. Weekly
c. Daily
4. How many devices are typically streaming at once?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3+
5. How often does your household play video games online?
a. Rarely
b. Weekly
c. Daily
6. How often do you livestream, video chat or make phone calls online?
a. Rarely
b. Weekly
c. Daily
7. What time of day is your home Internet most at use?
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening
8. How often do you download large files using your home Internet?
a. Rarely
b. Weekly
c. Daily
9. How often do you upload large files using your home Internet?
a. Rarely
b. Weekly
c. Daily
If You Answered Mostly A’s: Keep It Kinetic
Your Internet usage is likely low to moderate, and when you do get online, it’s most likely for basic web browsing, email and other low-consumption activities. You also might have the connection all to yourself. With those factors in mind, we recommend minimum broadband speeds. That’s currently defined by the FCC as having 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload speeds. This will handily take into account any music, shows or movies that you’ll be streaming, as it’s the recommended Internet speed from most streaming services.If You Answered Mostly B’s: Toeing the Line
Your broadband estimates are a little harder to get on the nose. Yes, you’ll be somewhere in between 25 Mbps and one Gig in terms of speed, but that spectrum is pretty wide. And, what’s best for you will likely depend on your individual answers to many of the questions above.If You Answered Mostly C’s: Go Gig
Your household has a lot going on. Whether it’s the number of people, the number of devices or the number of people on the number of devices all at once, you’re going to want a robust Internet connection and fast speeds to handle every online need. That’s why we would recommend Kinetic Gig speeds here.What You Need to Know About Your Kinetic Internet at Home
Check out the infographic below, which explains exactly what's happening to your Windstream internet when most of your devices are connected and how you can avoid slower connections during peak hours.So Whats the Catch?
The one downside to Gigabit Internet is that it’s not readily available everywhere. Check here to see if Kinetic Gig has made it to you area. If not, don’t fret! Our Kinetic by Windstream team is working diligently to add fiber optics to more areas every day to fulfill our customers’ needs. And, in the meantime, see what other high speeds your household can enjoy.