Quick Tips

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Quick Tips

Managing your kids’ tech

Experts note that while technology is a wonderful thing and makes learning possible in ways never before imagined, it does take some ground rules to keep kids on task, safe and productive in their studies. Like anything else concerning your kids, these ground rules should be age-appropriate and flexible enough to change as the situation calls for. Most of all, parents need to be able to enforce the rules, providing regular follow-up and accountability.
Quick Tips

Stream the Super Bowl with Kinetic

Many have switched to online streaming services this year such as Youtube TV or our own Kinetic TV, where available. If you plan on streaming the game or connecting with family and friends for a virtual celebration, below are some tips on how to watch the Super Bowl without cable and without missing a minute of the action.
Quick Tips

Guides to Eating Well in 2020

No New Year’s resolution embodies this more than eating right and losing weight. We’ve tried before. We’ve had, shall we say, mixed results. Are we really going to take another swing at it? Ugh. Well, then, let’s collect those healthy eating tips!
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