Quick Tip: Setting Up Your Wireless Router

Where to even start?
Many manufacturers have actually made the process of setting up a new router simple for even the non-technical among us: many new routers are color-coded, clearly labeled and come with an easy-to-follow instruction guide.
If you seem to have misplaced that guide, don’t fret! Our Kinetic by Windstream team will walk you through the basics to setting up your new router.
Here are the other tools you’ll need:
Modem — This is the device that has been providing your Internet connection, be it through cable or DSL. (Fiber Internet typically doesn’t require a modem.) Your modem should already be connected to a phone jack in your home.
Computer — A laptop or a desktop will do.
Here’s what should come with your router:
Ethernet cable
Power adapter
How-to guide
And here’s how to set up your new wireless router and get your Kinetic Internet up and running:
1. Check for an Internet connection.
This may seem like a silly step, but the last thing you’ll want is to go through all the steps to hooking up your wireless router only to find out that the issue is with your connection. This step is more critical if you’ve just moved as you are going through router setup as, or soon after, your Internet has been activated.
To check, connect your computer to your modem using an ethernet cable. If you’re setting up a new router, simply check if you’re connected prior to disconnecting the old router. (You could also check your other connected devices, like smartphones, for Wi-Fi signals.)
2. Find a good spot to place your router.
Placement of your router and modem are probably not at the forefront of your mind when you’re setting up new equipment, but they should be. You’ll want to place these items closest to where most of the online activity happens in your home. Remember that barriers like thick walls and interference will have an effect on your wireless network performance.
3. Connect your modem and your computer to the router.
Plug one end of the ethernet cable that came with your router into the modem. The ethernet cable will attach to the router’s port that reads “WAN” or “Internet,” which is usually a different color than the rest of the ports. Then, connect another ethernet cable from your laptop into one of the other ports on the router.
4. Plug in the router.
Now, hook up your router’s power adapter to an outlet.
5. Configure your wireless network by creating a username, a password and, if you want, a network name.
New routers typically come with a default username and password that is included in the box. Be sure to change that information, and don’t forget to create a strong password so no one else can use your network. To configure the rest of your network — such as changing the name since most are a jumble of letters and numbers — go into your network settings. On Macs, the icon for “systems preferences” is a gear and is typically on your dock. On Windows, the icon — an unfilled screen — can be found next to your clock.
Voila! You should now be connected to Kinetic Internet!
If you’re still having trouble setting up your new router or having other connectivity issues, visit our Kinetic by Windstream Support page to live chat or call technical support at 800-347-1991 at any hour or day.