What is Windstream doing about the spam problem?
Windstream is committed to fighting spam. We currently have spam filtering in place that’s greatly reduced the amount delivered to our Windstream email customers.
Unfortunately, spammers go to great lengths and spend large amounts of effort and money to evade spam filter detection. After 24 hours, spamming attacks are usually completed or changed, so we ask that you report it to us immediately. The sooner we receive the missed spam email, the better chance we have of filtering future ones.
Getting the spam message to Windstream is easy. If you are checking your Windstream e-mail account(s) using our Webmail Portal, simply open the fraudulent e-mail or put a checkmark in the box next to it and click on the “Spam” button. If you are checking your Windstream e-mail account(s) with an e-mail program, such as Microsoft Windows Mail or Mozilla Thunderbird, please use the client’s report spam or junk button to report it as phishing.
Please note that you will not receive any type of confirmation on reported spam.